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TELL HIS STORY by Cerita Nagy

How many of us have told our stories to colleagues, family and friends?

Sometimes, we are so comfortable in sharing others’ stories, that we forget that our own stories are worth sharing. Our stories are important, and when we share them with others, we connect and empower others.

Sharing our testimonies, strengthens the women we talk to and motivate them to find their voice, allow them to see they are not alone in their struggles or give them the strength to move forward. We were created to nurture, and our stories have a way of nurturing one another.

Every time we tell our story (our testimony) we give honour and glory to God.

It is a story about God’s character. How He rescued us from sin and death through Jesus Christ, and changed our lives as a result.

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24 (NIV)

  • Our stories contain miracles, big and small. It shows the hand of God in every season of our lives.

  • Our stories help others to get to know what God is like and what He can do. They will know that they are not alone.

  • Our stories are meant to be shared, so that others can see the work of God in us. They can in turn begin to see the work of God in themselves.

Stories helped me to heal and drew me closer to Jesus Christ. I was going through a difficult season 3 years ago. I was suffering from burnout, and I started experiencing panic attacks and depression. I was tired. I was edgy and emotional. I withdrew from social activities. I made a lot of wrong decisions out of fear. I needed help but I was too shy and too proud to ask.

I spent hours and days listening and reading stories of other women, sharing their journeys in their lives and in business with others. I discovered that their faith in Jesus brought them the peace and hope I so desperately needed then. I realised that I needed Him, that I wanted to know Him more, and that I had to surrender everything to Him.

Now, I often find myself in conversations with other women who are going through difficulties and challenges in their lives and in business, and I can share my story with them, because I’ve been there. I know what it is to be in a dark place, to be tired, to be depressed, to be unhappy, to be financially broke, to be broken …

God will use us to bring hope to others who are hurting because we have been where they are and we have made it to the other side. Hope means the most when it comes, stumbling, out of the dark and difficult places.

God want us to tell and live our stories authentically, pointing to God our Creator and Jesus Christ our Redeemer. We are His ambassadors, sharing His good news! In Matthew 28:19, we are called to go into all the world and “make disciples of all nations”.

What is holding you back from owning and sharing your story? Is it shame? Fear? Insecurity?

There is someone out there, maybe at work or someone close to you, that is dying to hear your story, to know how you came to be a believer, how you got to the other side and what God did for you in your life.

They need to know that they aren’t alone, that you have felt like they feel, that you have questioned what they question, and that you have hoped for what they hope for.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

Whatever your story is, I invite you today, to share it with someone.

When you do, you will be a witness to a living and active God, who continues to write all of our stories – even today, even now.

When we tell our stories – we tell His story!

It is God’s Story. It is your Story.

Would you like to share your story with us?

WIFE, MOTHER & GRANDMOTHER ǀ ENTREPRENEUR ǀ FOUNDER CONFIDENT WOMEN IN BUSINESS | DIFFERENCE MAKER Cerita Nagy is a wife, mother of 2, grandmother of 2 and a passionate daughter of God. She is the founder of Confident Women in Business. She does marketing and fundraising for Vastfontein Community Transformation. In 2015 she was nominated as a Top 100 Difference Maker and in 2018 as a Top 10 Difference Maker by Difference Makers SA. She believes that you have to genuinely connect and care for other people. You need to make a regular decision to live authentically, live openly and live generously!

Where to find Cerita Nagy Social Media:


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