Are you tired and overwhelmed?
Are you providing for everyone else's needs and not your own?
We are presenting group therapy for 8 weeks to support your journey in reconnecting with yourself again!
After 8 weeks of group therapy, you will:
Experience emotional healing and a true connection to yourself.
Feel seen and supported.
Experience improved self-esteem.
Develop skills to create a more balanced lifestyle.
Other benefits include:
A sense of belonging.
Improved communication skills.
Exploring healthy coping skills.
Expressing your emotions easier.
in 2025!
ONLINE | 12:00 - 13:30
Groups facilitated by Mandy Cassells - Occupational Therapist
COSTS: R400 per session
A non-refundable R250.00 initial booking fee to safeguard your spot for the 8 sessions.
* Medical aid rates apply.
* We can claim from your medical aid if you have funds available.
* The booking fee will form part of the session fees.
* A minimum of 6 ladies are needed to fill a group session.
* All group sessions should be attended.
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."
John 14:27

What is group therapy?
Group therapy is a therapeutic approach that involves a group of individuals who come together to share their experiences, support each other, learn from one another, and practice coping skills.
“No man is an island!” Humans are social beings, and we cannot lead quality lives without sharing life with others. Occupational group therapy focusses on healthy interpersonal relationships to facilitate healthy mental health. We strongly believe that we need Jesus in each other and ourselves to heal our hearts.
This group model focuses on the ‘here and now’ principle. This means that occupational therapy groups focus on the present and not the past.
During group therapy, the individual and the group process get addressed. In these therapeutic groups you can expect to feel a sense of belonging, feel that you are not alone, regain hope, gain information, emotional processing, receiving by giving, gain social skills, that pain is universal, finding yourself and most importantly being true to yourself.
We now invite you to come on a journey to discover the marvellous experience when people connect in their pain that can turn into joy and accomplishments when shared with each other!